Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wee Hours

WOW! When you can't sleep, get up and work! I had not planned on "ordering" this morning at 2:30, but that is what I am doing and having a blast! It has been on my mind to get this done this week, and now is the time. I'm feeling the pressure....feel like I have just had a mocha latte full strength, not de-caf. Before we go to TX to see the family, I have to have the entire Hotel Crop DONE and ready to transport to the hotel. That means ordered, counted and make sure we have enuf trays and racks to put it in, kits planned and ordered and kitted, etc. It can take over one's life, IF one lets it.

So, I am using time wisely ( thank you Lord!) instead of rolling around not sleeping, and am having fun doing it! Whee! Just ordered the most ADOREABLE baby papers and embellishments from Little Yellow Bicycle. It is not shipping till at least April, but that's ok..........still need to get the order done! The lines are called Snugglebug and are stinkin' cute.......soft colors with darling little buggies that look like fireflies with personality. Soft blues and pinks and greens and ivories and you will love them. Some will be usable for things not baby, too, which is a quality I always like about lines of papers. Be versatile!

Then, I went onto the site looking at the Beach papers ( and embellishments, of course) and it is THE BEST! Wowza! Ladies ( and gentlemen).........this stuff is GOOD! Roll out your favorite beach or summertime photos, 'cause you are gonna Love this line! I don't have the catalog at home so I don't even know when it will ship, but you'd better believe this is going to be Fun! I can feel the sand dripping on my carpet when we come in the house from the's that real. Cute, cute, cute! I will notify you when it is in, to be sure!

Goodness.......was that worth reading? Not so sure, but wanted you to know I am thrilled with what is coming into Memories in the Ben and if I can just quit thinking about how I am going to display it, I might be able to go back to sleep. This is a challenge...............having a whole store to work with in displaying things, seemed hard at times. These days, trying to make it look interesting and fun for you with LONG aisles that all look the same, is a real challenge. But I KNOW God has a way for me to do this and I just need to trust for this too, as I do for each thing I face each day. If I have to just stand out in the aisle and point and say "this way to the beach!", I just might have to do it! We'll see what He has in mind..........but He sure did awaken me to do fun things tonight. My rep will be happy...she has been after me for days to get this order faxed to her and I literally have not had the time. The time is now! Whee!

Thanks for reading my drivel...........or did you give up on me? :) You all are so dear and somehow I think you are reading with smiles on your faces. Do I sound like I am back? I am. This is one thing I love.......sharing my excitement with you all. Now I need some unexpected hugs. Think I just got one from the Lord. Need to drag Maggie into this excitement too..........she is into the WONDERFUL Melissa and Doug toys that we All need in our lives, and the trains and yarn, etc. One of these days, we will get her hooked on paper! It might start when we get the first of our sample pages on the walls.............a project to plan on another sleepless night! Back to ordering...................Love you all and thanks for listening. A hug to each one..............Linda

1 comment:

  1. I didn't give up on you and send a virtual hug your way! Love you! Get some sleep!
